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essentially, i'm just a contributor to the ongoing legacy of the artists and creators who have come before and inspired me; adding to the design that moves forward for the next generation to build upon. i am merely a kid who just so happened to discover creativity by chance, but it has since become an obsession and persistence. 


frankly, i'm still figuring out life, but i noticed i like to be a maker, a designer, an artist -- whatever that means. i'm a good person: infinitely curious, a problem solver, a storyteller, passionate, not afraid to step out of my comfort zone, fire off references of inspiration, and ask a lot of questions.


i enjoy breaking free from the constraints of convention. i prefer to explore beyond the ordinary and embrace the endless possibilities that exist. i don't intentionally set out to defy norms; rather, i follow my instincts to produce creations that are true to my vision. i've come to realize that i often traverse paths that others won't, and it's the fixation on the creative realm that drives me to showcase my unique perspective. i'm trying to agitate the status quo to nurture big dreamers and decipher a different rubik’s cube. 


language is insufficient to solidify creativity. i’d say it’s building castles in the sky. the expression of an irrepressible desire for complementarity in the fragmentary, for an original wholeness to which immediate reality merely corresponds. and the very impossibility of achieving this desire is what constitutes creativity as a possibility. it's the fun of discovering treasures where others see nothing unusual, and then some. free form. the crux.

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